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Coronavirus requires unity and support, not division

Race Discrimination
Race Discrimination Commissioner, Chin Tan
Content type: Media Release
Topic(s): Race Discrimination

The Australian Human Rights Commission’s Race Discrimination Commissioner, Chin Tan has urged all Australians to remain calm, show consideration and unite as a community in response to the Coronavirus crisis:

“Reports of racial discrimination against Chinese people in our community are disappointing. They hurt both the Chinese community and our collective community wellbeing at a time when we should be united and supportive in confronting this crisis.

“The Chinese community is already suffering and stressed at being on front line of this outbreak, and further victimising or gaslighting of the community is not fair or helpful. Such conduct is unacceptable and does not represent our fair-minded Australian values. It must not be tolerated in our multicultural society.

“I understand many Australians would be fearful of the virus outbreak, but I urge people not to allow fear of the virus to prompt ignorance, racism or scapegoating, and to reject victimisation and discrimination wherever it appears.”


For more information contact Mark Franklin at the Australian Human Rights Commission on 0437 133 671 or at